Thursday, July 19, 2012

I am back!

Again a long break! A hectic and frustrating period. Hectic because i had to find a seat for my son in an engineering college! And a frustrating period in my business!

So, let me talk about the business! In a software consulting and development business there are 2 entities. One (Sales) who gets the customers and tries to convince them that he can get the software built. The other (execution) who actually gets things done that is software built.  The second one should understand the customers business and knows to implement it in software. 

There are execution guys owning and running the company and the sales guys are employed. And there are people who have lot of contacts owning the companies but slightly weak in the are of  getting the software done. Later is the case in a couple of small companies i tried to partner with and bid for projects during this period.

That lead to a lot of slogging and sweat on my part because unfortunately i knew how to satisfy their customers. one was a fruitful and good experience which could lead to a long time association and other one was a complete disaster. And we dropped that opportunity because of lack of transparency on the partner side.

And one of my long cherished desire got fulfilled when I rolled out my own workflow server as part of the project. I have been thinking about doing this for the past 16 years! That was a win!

Now, I have some time to breath and more than this blog I want to continue contributing more towards my other blog (Java in Tamil). Should start blogging during this week end.

So, I have made the following resolutions

  • One new post per week on this blog
  • Two new posts per week on the Tamil blog
  • Be careful in choosing the partners! And be more transparent and upfront with them and also make them do the same to me
  • Find an answer for the problem : Contacts Vs Execution

Let us see how these things work out!

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